If you want to do research regarding Herberton, its history, families and more, then the best approach is to work with one of our researchers in person. The best day of the week is Wednesday, when several researchers are available at the Herberton Mining Museum. Some other times may be available, so check by contacting the museum beforehand. Preliminary check in could also give time for our researchers to do some initial investigations if they know what you are looking for. If we are unavailable you can send your request to us on phone (07) 4096 3474 or email hmcresearchers@trc.qld.gov.au A donation to our tax-deductible Gift Fund, for the time and work done is always appreciated.
If you wish to start your own journey into family history click this link to download a resource sheet which includes a list of information housed in the Herberton Mining Centre, links to on-line resources, historical societies and museums.
© Herberton Mining Museum History Association 2024